Explore some of my podcasts, talks and teaching links.
My most popular interview was with Brandon Zhang for his podcast, Student Mindset, on Creativity, Polymath Principles, How to Pick Books that Resonate:

- Becoming a Polymath on The Work Item with Den Delimarsky, Jul 11, 2021
- The Future Belongs to Polymaths on Cafe Con Luis with Luis Geraldo, Mar 30, 2021
- Polymath-ism, Serendipity and Writing on Small Big Wins with HVJ, Mar 15 2021
- The Lost Art of Having Fun on Penguin Latte Podcast with Paul LeCrone, Sep 7th 2020
- Polymaths, Pursuing Multiple Passions, and Writing as a Tool for Success with Derrick Franco on Future of Work Project, August 7th 2020
- The Polymath Playbook on Portfolio Career Podcast with David Nebinski, Aug 6th 2020
- How To Rethink Silicon Valley on Half A Thought with Abhinav Kejriwal, May 20th 2020

- Listen to Yourself: My Life Lessons, The Vault, San Francisco, CA
- A Brief Tour of Animation, Oracle HQ, Redwood City, CA
- Test-Driven Development as a Process, General Assembly, New York, NY
- Metaprogramming with Ruby, RubyBlind, New York, NY
- Socially Enable Your Enterprise For Success, Oracle CloudWorld, Mumbai, India
I’ve taught a variety of classes both in the part-time and full-time format. I really enjoy seeing the passion and progress of students, and helping them realize their own ambitions.

My most extensive and rewarding teaching experience was when I helped start a coding bootcamp in Cape Town, South Africa as the Head Instructor launching a new Full-stack Web Development Immersive at iXperience. I wrote a post about my incredible experience teaching there. I felt honored to teach such great students - as a token of their appreciation, they gifted me with a website filled with messages of appreciation for me (you can see the different classes at the top, and then click on names to see some of the messages). I was almost in tears when I first saw it, and much like my relationships with the students, it’s something I will cherish forever!
I’ve also taught courses and workshops at General Assembly:
- Backend Web Development at General Assembly in NYC
- Workshops at General Assembly in SF and other locations, from topics around building startup ideas to the latest one I’m working on around hiring for diversity and inclusion.